Monday, October 22, 2012

"Role of Mary in the Life of a College Seminarian" - Father James Presta Provides Day of Recollection at HTS

Father James Presta, Vice Rector of Mundelein Seminary and Professor of Mariology at the University of St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, Illinois, provided the students of Holy Trinity Seminary with their monthly day of recollection on Sunday, October 21, 2012.  In keeping with the tradition of the month of October as the month of the Rosary, the theme of the conferences was the “Role of Mary in the Life of a College Seminarian.”

Father Presta articulated that the Blessed Mother teaches seminarians to grow in holiness, to grow in virtue, and to grow in discipleship in their preparation towards the priesthood.  He stated, “Just as Christ was formed by the love of Mary, so too a seminarian must entrust himself to the care of Mary to be formed by her as a disciple of Jesus.  Devotion to Mary has one goal—union with Jesus Christ.”

Holy Trinity junior, Sergio Davila (Diocese of Dallas) remarked, “The history, meaning, and uses of the Rosary in the first half of the talk allowed me to gain an even greater appreciation for the prayers and practice. The second half on the talk on the role of Mary in the life of a college seminarian brought me closer to Mary as my mother, especially when Fr. Presta gave us his experience of losing his own mother and asking Mary to be the maternal role in his life ever more.”