Lost Seminarian...
Death of a talented young seminarian sheds light on the strengths of the men entering priesthood today...
A news story from Arkansas happened to catch my eye during the Christmas season. Daniel Phillips, a seminarian from the Diocese of Little Rock studying at Holy Trinity Seminary in Dallas, was killed in an automobile accident.
I shall pray for Daniel, and for his parents and family. Nothing in life is as cruel as for parents to lose a child. God be with Daniel’s mother and father.
After reading the story, I hope Daniel is praying for me. He had discussed his decision to study for the priesthood in an interview posted on the Little Rock diocesan website on vocations. He said he had wanted to be a priest for a long time, but fundamentally, he wanted to do what the Lord wanted for him. Father Erik Pohlmeier, of the diocesan vocations office in Little Rock, referred precisely to Daniel’s wish to do what the Lord wanted for him.