Tuesday, October 9, 2012

HTS Goes Social

For many supporters of Holy Trinity Seminary, the 2012 Seminarian Welcome Dinner introduced to attendees what daily life was like for the Seminarians.  It was also the first time that many heard about the Four Pillars of Priestly Formation.

In his Apostolic Exhortation Pastores Dabo Vobis, Blessed John Paul II highlighted four essential areas of a seminarian’s preparation for the priestly vocation. These four pillars of seminary life are human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral formation.  These pillars are at the core the mission of Holy Trinity Seminary.

Each week, the Trinitarian blog will post videos and articles showing how Holy Trinity is carrying out this mission.  It will highlight various seminarians' vocational journeys, show how the seminarians experience each pillar of formation and highlight how individuals, families and organizations are promoting vocations and shaping the future of the Church.

Depending on how you experience social media, you can follow the updates by following us on Twitter, Facebook or simply following the this blog on our website.
